Jake, how about making a series of top 10 lists on the following subjects would help the few (if any) Democrat leaning voters with a modicum of common sense to help them ingest facts that elude them? Include relevant sources for the each item:

1. Why Democrat leaders are Jew haters.

2. Why Trump is the best friend the Jews have ever had in the White House!(or at least since Reagan)

3. The Hoaxes about Trump (that also never go away) (Can also add in his business dealings that anti-Trump people parrot about with little knowledge about business law and how real estate works in dirty political cities like NYC)

4. The Lies of Biden & Kamala

5. The Crimes of Biden (I know, this is welp covered by others, but again, a summary is a good refresher on this)

6. The Injustice System against both Trump & Netanyahu (you can add Bibi if the number of cases against Trump don't add up enough)

7. When people should not vote (a list of facts that would seem essential to know before voting)

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good analysis. if the tree of life synagogue was busy debating whether they could or should support the international guidelines for understanding antisemitism and the Holocaust or whether it would stifle support for "Palestinian rights" or criticicsm of Israel....then this is the state of American Jewry writ large.....my opionin.

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