Thank you for this.

I’m not Jewish (and my religion is Catholic) but like many of my co-religionists, I’m concerned.

WE’RE concerned.

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Sep 1·edited Sep 1

I was a NYC HS teacher of English....I'm concerned about reports of a "palestine narrrative" adopted completely as "history" by various school districts in California and other places and the within classrooms in NYC the Palestine settler colonianl anti Zionist version of history will be standard. so then they go to college armed with hate. I fear Mamet's dictum ...Jews will march on behalf of the whales before they do anything for themselves....so I'm skeptical ...although you give valid advice to Jews returning to campuses. What about anti Zionist Jewish studies professors? How toxic are they....the Israeli ones too. The Jews continue to be their own worst enemy.....B. Sanders....Larry David.....et al

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